Friday, 16 January 2009


What The project was about?:
The project was created and designed for the purpose of gathering vital infomation on the creation and development of my masters project.
For this I initialy gathered infomation in various mediums, Audio, Textual and video.
once gathered this infomation was processed into a format that would be able to be added into flash with the purpose to create some sort of coheriant design.
The user of the program would navigate various webs of infomation and use this system to create some sort of space within the acutal work.
I like to feel that this peice is more like a living space, in which memories and data can be added to evolve the peice.
So the creation of this project fell into three main catogories, the gathering and storage of the actual infomation to be added to the project, the design of the actual system and it's apperance and finally the interface layout and design.
The interface and the way the user will eventually interact withg the peice will provide a lot of the expirence, so I had to look at ways of improving that system.

Why have I chosen this project?:
The master's project is about, fundementally, memories, and this project only really came about when I thought about all the memories I have personally lost.
A few years back I took a heavy blow to the head, and as a result lost a large chunk of my memories between the ages of 7-17.
I now want to remember what was lost, and as freud has mentioned, the mind is a lot like a magic writing pad, things that get placed in the memory leave indents, and when you lay thousand of these indents on top of the other it becomes hard to understand what was really there. So I hope that by going back to various places during those ages specifcally I can finally re-remember some lost memories.
I also want to take the oppertunity to document everything else I feel is relevent to my life. So if I was ever to lost my memories again, i'd have a backup (of sorts) to referre to, like a digital encyclopedia of my life.
This pre-masters project was designed to help build the strong foundations to help with the sucessful deployment of this project, to land running(so to speak).
And to do this i'd have to explore a few avenues, for example: Interface design, and how the user will eventually navigate the mass webs of information.
When all of the imformation is set out and ready I will have an easier job rolling out the information and making this project the success it deserves to be!
How Will I Achieve This Task?:
I started with the initial thoughts about the design of the actual layout that the user will be browsing. First off, I decided on a very simplistic design using photoshop to roll out some ideas.
The layout is still not set in stone, but some things have become apparant, and only could through the use of the this project. For example, to create an emotional (well more like enforce my own emotional attachment to the user) attachment to the user I decided to make the space in which the user navigates, change, and evolve depending on the emotion I choose to attach to the feild in which the user is browsing. For example, if the user is browsing an aspect I deem to be happy, the colour scheme will change and the ambient music will in turn, reflect this view.
Then I looked at ways to present the peice and what program to use. It was an easy choice, and I decieded to go with flash, mainly because flash has it's own video encoding and visual apparatus to create the feel I am trying so hard to do.
Once I knew how and what program to use, I started to compile my infomation into the hard drive I was planning to use as my memories.
Unexpectedly my hard drive went missing when visiting a friends, I believe it was stolen which I was very... unhappy about.
But I guess there is a large amount of ironey attached to this now, because I was creating this project in case I lost more memories, but instead I lost my back up.
Still, not funny, as I now have to invent money in this recession to buy a new one, as well as pay university bills, rent and fixing the car.
Guess I never have had it easy, in comparison with other students, but I guess I have developed a some what "thick" skin.
Anyway back to the topic, the stored infomation would tyhen be processed into sections and headered, then processed into the program.
I plan to have extensive intomation, like audio, video, photographic and textual for subjects that contain that infomation.
How Was The Project?:
I can't say, and there is a reason for such a comment, I did achieve the goals I set to, but my lack of technical knowledge in flash is making me somewhat uneasy, I plan to discuss my ideas with a few flash pro's in the university(thats what their there for right?) and hopefully pick their brains enough to finally understand the process and create some sort of visual diagram for the entire idea of processing all the infomation into some sort of coherent sturcture.
Other than that everything was fine, nothing was really difficult, I plan to have all the "difficulty" in the main masters project.
Well I guess the only flaws to the project were my lack of flash knowledge and the lack of respect someone gave me to stael my hard drive.
Sorry I can't say anymore, it was an ok project but very straight foward.
I could lie and say I had difficulty with, say, the layout, but I'd be lying, and there is no point for that.

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