Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Lets get this show on the road... eh :)

Ok not really sure how to word this, but basically I am going to link other artist's that relate to my work.


This is Paola Anziche art form of sculpture
this site references to my idea of body extension, this is basically what armor is, may seem like a simple version compared to the conceptual body extension that Paola covers. But in essence armour is just an extension of self inprovement from damage that a body might take in a combat situation.
she really bends the idea of body extension and plays on what it means to have body extension and what it can mean, sometimes a little surreal.

This quote basically sums up her views on body extension and the environment that these pieces exist.

"Starting from a reflection on spatial, social, emotive distances which mark our "habitat" (living enviroment) the students will develope a "wearable sculpture", something that can be identified with a need, and, at the same time,that will analyze the living space/room. Try to think about the kind of space that everyone (as a person, as a citizen) needs within a city, in relation to public spaces that are at disposal, as well to those spaces that lack, trying to cope also with (typically) urban and/or sub-urban situations."

1 comment:

anziche@yahoo.it said...

Hi, I'm Paola Anzichè,
thanks you link my workshop!
Where you come from? I come from Italy, Milano.

If you want to see recent work you can have a look to

