"The Device"
A Long time back a young scientist traveled the world in search of a specific set of conditions.
After years of long and tedious research the aging man discovered such conditions, they were only found in north Norfolk, more specifically a single tree situated near the coast.
This tree, in the scientist's opinion, commanded a strange relationship with the earth and the sky. He believed that this single tree was responsible for a lot of natures forces.
He also believed that this tree's relationship with the enviroment also can directly effect peoples moods and even dreams!
Of course, with little evidence to prove this, he was laughed out of the scientific community.
Bitter and twisted, the man conducted various experiments to try and unlock the powers of this tree, after many years the man descended into a complete obsessive over the tree, he protected it from being cut down many times and tried his hardest to save this tree.
Then, about 20 years later,100 years ago, he realized that the trees ability's can only work when certain weather conditions are met, and the sign of the tree working was in fact the frequent figures and monster's he would see in the clouds, these clouds were a product of the trees imagination and these figures would often be the factor to influence peoples dreams.
With this knowledge he could now go about researching the effects needed to operate the tree, but another problem had arisen, a local development planned to make a whole new section of wells next the sea, that would itself build over where the tree stood.
Furious the man worked tirelessly to recreate the conditions.
But luck was again not with him, he feel ill and spent his last few days trying to recreate the conditions.
The irony, he died the day worked out the conditions, but his hatred somehow managed to effect the tree, and the next day, the land in every direction for a mile, turned slick and wet.
By the end of the week all that land was reduced to rotten marshland, this marshland cut the tree off from the town and destroyed any possibility of building near it.
This marsh is still there today, effected by the tide a quay is now formed.
Since this incident, a buzzword has evolved out of the fallout from the situation, "global warming" scientist's like to believe that there theory on our human pollution may be the key factor but it is not, yes its not helping but since the old man died, the tree has been feeding off his bitterness.
Kikichumonji, A young professor has recently been going over his grandfathers paperwork, he has also decided to study the tree, but with todays technology he hopes to be able to recreate each aspect of the conditions needed.
Last thing anyone heard is that he had created a multitude of devices to help together, to recreate the conditions, and then somehow influence the trees effect.
The discovery video is the device that kikichumonji had been using, but did it work?
Thats the gist of it.
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