Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Who is this for?

Well, it is most defiantly for those with imagination, some people that might view this work might think it's just junk laying around, even though I have tried very hard to create a device that inspires and creates imagination.

For me as a kid, well actually even now I do this, but most of my childhood (from what I still remember) I always pretended I was not in our world, I guess this brings me back to hyper reality.
Actually, gonna find a good paper on it.

Ok, a quick search gave no good papers.
But an explanation (<---Actually a good description)

Anyway as a kid I'd imagine that the locations I was in were related to those of films or games, or just a fusion of things I liked at the time, as for why? well there are a bunch of psychological factors involved.
mostly with a desire to lose your attachment yourself from your current world, and I'd guess if you are unhappy with something you'd want to change it.
If you were happy with your existence you would not have the desire to remove yourself from our present reality to engulf yourself in another.

I'd often pretend I was a lab worker creating weird machines to help me with my bigger experiments, so I guess this device was just an extension of my fascination of hyper reality.

People evolve over the years and lose there sense of adventure and imagination because life, as we all know, throws restraints on us.
Our jobs, social life, love life, money issues and not to mention the growing responsibility's we all face hinder our progress to great imaginations and the natural thirst for exploration.
People often, more so these days, hope for a holiday or events so that they themselves can break away form reality.
A music festival, golf match, sport on television and of course the most popular of all, video games, can all be considered as methods of breaking away and sub versing from reality.
I guess most of us would rather connect to a new reality and enjoy something a little less than our mundane lives.
For most of us its, wake up, get ready for work(usually a job you hate), a little interaction with friends then home (see wife if applicable) eat, sleep and repeat.
It's no wonder why humans seek alternate reality's and live a little excitement.
It's probably why fantasy films do so well in the box office, when watching a film you become attached to that enviroment and almost feel in place there.
An audience with no imagination or curiosity will get no pleasure from this piece, but for those that like to believe and those that like disconnecting from reality should hopefully find this appealing.

A piece by Eric Dodson, is relevant.

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